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¿Es posible diseñar un mapa personalizado de bienestar que nos guíe  hacia una vida plena, especialmente cuando la brújula colectiva de la humanidad parece rota?

Adriana Gomez Navarro

Diseño y bienestar holístico

Modern technological advances and the rapid pace of social change have created a reality that does not conform to our biological and psychological makeup. 

Learn and adapt, they say.

Learn what? Adapt how?
That's what a tailor-made map for well-being must be about.  

Modern technological advances and the rapid pace of social change have created a reality that does not conform to our biological and psychological makeup. 


Our 'Home Within' stands as our haven. I delve into the reservoir of resources, capabilities, and experiences that unfold within us. We are resourced for magic; the challenge lies in learning to observe and maximise our internal reality. I  share the knowledge and insights gleaned from my explorations of my 'Home Within.' The reason behind sharing this is profound—my design experiments not only succeeded in revealing the intricacies of my internal reality but also led to unexpected expansions within myself that surpassed my expectations.

Adriana Gomez Navarro

As a designer, I focus on interior design, yet I no longer intervene in space.  The once meaningful pursuit of creating tranquil and soothing homes serves  like a paliative measure. In a world where walls no longer shield us from so much stimulus, homes are no longer the focus of my attention. We need to revise how we experience ourselves in the physical world. 


My work revolves around crafting the psychological space needed to navigate the turbulence of contemporary life—a space I refer to as our 'Home Within.’" Throughout my life, which involved residing in five different countries and relocating every three years, I came to understand that the true essence of home resides within ourselves.


I currently live with my husband and two children in Switzerland.

In addition to my research on well-being, I also love to design unique pieces.

Rodajas de sandía en plata

Rediseñando reliquias: ayudar a que los recuerdos trasciendan a través del color, las formas y los materiales.


Algunas reliquias familiares NO se deben tocar, trascendiendo por lo que son. Pero hay piezas que no nos gustan, pero las apreciamos mucho por lo que significan para nosotros. No pierdas la oportunidad de desarrollar hermosas emociones. 

Silla Armadillo 

La silla Armadillo fue un proceso colaborativo entre Yecid Robayo —un magnífico artesano— y yo. 


Disfruté diseñando una silla imposible de construir y Yecid disfrutó demostrándome que realmente podía hacerla.  Nos desafiamos, trabajando con, mente y corazón.

Bolsos nantív 

Cubo de vino

La experiencia de cada momento se puede mejorar a través de un gran diseño; nos inspiramos en los gestos naturales y elegantes de la mujer.

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